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From Janitor to Entrepreneur, an OFW story

Managing several outlets of his famous chain of restaurants--Tamayo’s and other businesses, including a consultancy firm, a flower shop and catering services, Steve considers himself as one of the luckiest people in the world.

Overseas Filipino workers mostly young but getting 'older,' says NSCB

Young Filipinos still make up the bulk of Overseas Filipino workers but there is a very slight trend showing that OFWs are getting older, according to a report by the National Statistical Coordination Board.

Pinay OFW work for free for 2 years

A Filipina domestic helper was repatriated Monday after a Chinese couple in Hong Kong forced her to work without pay for two years.

Friday, March 1, 2013

INFOGRAPHIC: The story of overseas Filipino workers

Remittances sent home by Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) have been instrumental in the Philippines' economic growth. In 2009, when everybody thought that OFWs would be the first ones to suffer because of the global economic crisis, the Philippines still received more remittances valued at $17.35 billion.

 Remittances have been resilient despite crises, thanks to the unwavering commitment of Filipino workers to their families in the Philippines. But we must not forget - there are social costs to this economic gain.

 If there are more high-quality local jobs, Filipinos will see working abroad as an option, and not the only way out of poverty. Learn more in this infographic by Rappler artists Matt Hebrona and Bardo Wu. Data from official government offices culled by Cai Ordinario.


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